Diploma Program Support
Please note: Students need to maintain regular contact with their instructors. Students will be dropped after 90 days of no activity and no contact.
Class Support with Instructors
Day | Teacher and Subject | Contact | Time | Online Meeting Access |
Mondays | Mr. Rico- History | rico.saul@pusd.us | 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm | https://pusd.webex.com/meet/rico.saul |
Tuesdays | Ms. Luntzel- Math | luntzel.patricia@pusd.us | 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm | meet.google.com/gzp-qnnv-bvx |
Wednesdays | Mrs. Stowers- English | stowers.gail@pusd.us | 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm | Zoom Meeting ID: 81402214132 Password:687472 |
Thursdays | Mr. Tolosa- Science | tolosa.christopher@pusd.us | 4:30 pm - 7:30 pm | https://meet.google.com/zgk-wnkg-jir |
Mon- Fri | Mr. Slominski- Career Planning and Work Experience | slominski.michael@pusd.us | 8:00 am to 3:00 pm | Email for an online support appointment |
Program Support Staff
Mr. Cruz | cruz.epifanio@pusd.us | Adult Education Coordinator |
Mrs. Jimenez | jimenez.maria.g@pusd.us | Database Specialist |
Mrs. Jimenez | jimenez.norma@pusd.us | Transition Specialist |
Mr. Slominski | slominski.michael@pusd.us | Technology/ CTE Programs |